the health ratios completely bogus, but there's light at the end of the tunnel : for one a scale change is now a promise, for two balance mods have started springing up like wildflowers and I've chosen one for you that you might like : There's still some ways to go, the scale I feel is rather off.

Well so far some progress has been made : we got strategic zoom in the general sense instead of having two split entities : the solar system and the planet, we got some of the orders we are used to having : queuing up at front of queue, at end, loop.

Scroll in and out to home on certain parts of the map, direct troops of a thousand units (this time around more!), decide what tool or combinations of tools will serve to take down the enemy commander, be more precocious about throwing all of your cards in if you are facing more than one adversary. I've been waging a war internally over at the PA forums to shunt PA more towards the better good that we all know and love : FA (faf balance and patches) Is this Off-Topic? I honestly sincerely don't believe so. Please give this a shot and read before screaming that I should have been in the Off-Topic